Chemical Analysis

Chemical Analysis determines the composition, and identifies presence of selected elements. Quality and Quantitative Instrumental analysis in combination with traditional wet chemistry are well established for metals & alloys, powdered metals Ferro-alloys, ores, composites and ceramic material.A strict quality system involves chemical analysis to verify chemical composition from raw material to finished product. This ensures a safe, high-quality product that will meet your customer's needs. DMSPL offers a wide range of analytical services on metals, ceramics, process solutions and coatings. Our chemists and technicians are knowledgeable and have years of experience providing high-quality chemical analyses from routine to specialty.

Chemical Analysis Services

Titrimetric Analysis Gravimetric Analysis Volumetric Analysis Calorimetric Analysis Combustion Method/ Carbon Sulphur Analyzer Plating Identification
Optical Emission Spectrometer -OES

Optical emission spectrometry involves applying electrical energy in the form of spark generated between an electrode and a metal sample, whereby the vaporized atoms are brought to a high energy state within a so-called “discharge plasma”.These excited atoms and ions in the discharge plasma create a unique emission spectrum specific to each element, as shown at right. Thus, a single element generates numerous characteristic emission spectral lines.Therefore, the light generated by the discharge can be said to be a collection of the spectral lines generated by the elements in the sample. This light is split by a diffraction grating to extract the emission spectrum for the target elements. The intensity of each emission spectrum depends on the concentration of the element in the sample. Detectors (photomultiplier tubes) measure the presence or absence or presence of the spectrum extracted for each element and the intensity of the spectrum to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of the elements.

Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence

Wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (WDXRF or WDS) is a method used to count the number of X-rays of a specific wavelength diffracted by a crystal. The wavelength of the impinging X-ray and the crystal's lattice spacing’s are related by Bragg's law and produce constructive interference if they fit the criteria of Bragg's law.WDS reads or counts only the X-rays of a single wavelength at a time, not producing a broad spectrum of wavelengths or energies simultaneously. WDS is mainly used in chemical analysis.

PMI (Positive Metal Identification)

Positive Material Identification (PMI) is the identification and chemical analysis of various metal alloys through non-destructive technique of XRF. DMSPL offers on-site service of PMI for analysis of bulky castings and heavy test specimens.